3 of my 4 hens killed by dog! NEED FRIENDS FOR SURVIVOR ASAP! Atl, GA


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 6, 2010
East Central Alabama
I thought I should try posting a "wanted" request in the "buy/sell" forum, but was told by the computer that I wasn't "allowed" to post there until I'd posted nine more times elsewhere. I guess I'm not established enough. But this CAN'T WAIT! We took in a year old dog on a trial basis, with hopes of a permanent adoption. We were told he had proven himself trustworthy with other animals, but didn't leave him alone with the chickens just in case (we fenced off half of the yard for the girls to free range in safely). Unfortunately, my son was playing in the yard and visited the chickens, but forgot to secure the latch when he exited. I was obviously unaware of this, but the dog apparently wasn't. I went outside to shut their coop door that night and discovered that the dog had been very busy. (Needless to say, the trial run with that puppy has since ended!) Now this last poor baby has gone from never having spent a moment of her life alone, to being the soul survivor of a terrible attack! She just wanders the perimeter of her half of our yard doing the "hey, guys, where ARE you?" call!!! I've been spending extra time in there with her, but she nearly goes crazy each time I have to leave. It breaks my heart! SO the logical solution seems to be to QUICKLY find her a docile hen to be some company. (I'm also open to getting a duck, instead, if that's what's available---better than leaving her lonely!) I can purchase more chicks, but they'll have to be inside for so long that I think at least one adult is what we need right now. I'll buy, adopt, whatever. Just so long as poor little Reba gets some comfort! (We may love the eggs our chickens provide us, but they're in our family as beloved PETS first and foremost! So my priority right now is to give her peace of mind!)
I've never had to introduce adult chickens (except after one was injured and was quarantined for a few weeks, and had to find her way back into the gang). Reba is a Black Star (cross) who's very friendly with people, and was neither the most dominant nor the most submissive of the flock. I don't know how much age would matter, but ours will be turning one year in March. If anyone has a surplus of hens, or hens for sale, and you think yours would be a good match please let me know! Thanks so much!!
Sandy Perry ([email protected])
Thanks for responding! I'm in Atlanta, GA----well, Tucker, to be more specific. I searched CraigsList yesterday and couldn't find anything, but I haven't posted a request myself. I thought I'd post here first, then put a "wanted" posting on Craigslist if needed.
If there is someone close tht sells egg, sometimes they will sell you an older hen. Look at craigslist ofr someone selling eggs...let them know what happened and they should be helpful. If I was closer I would say come get one or 2 of mine. Good luck
Thanks, I'll try that! If nothing else, I might offer to give HER to a loving home with chickens. I'd miss her, but rather she be happy again. Hopefully it won't come to that!
Hey I'm in Atl. city but only have a small flock of girls...I do have some 5 week olds but they wont do really...i suggest to go on to our 'meet up' site...atlanta backyard chicken meet up group...I know someone on there will have one or two for you.
Scarlett, I'm so sorry you lost your birds, but I did want to give a word of warning. If you get a new chicken or more, please quarantine them for a month preferably, but at least for 2 weeks before exposing your remaining girl. It would be a tragedy to lose her to disease after all she's been through. I know you want to find her a friend, but you need to think about protecting her in the long run. You can spend time with her and give her lots of attention while her "buds" are in quarantine.

Good luck!
Hey! I was distracted for a while by my son, etc, but just got back and followed you're link. THANK YOU so much! I'm going to email them right now, and I'll call if I don't hear back (too late to do it tonight, anyway).

I also want to say a general thanks to everyone who responded so quickly! It really means a lot....and brings great comfort!

Lastly, regarding the quarantine issue....I guess I need to look up the specific requirements, but I assume being in the same yard but separated by a wire fence (and using separate sleeping quarters) wouldn't suffice? You're right that I don't want to add to her suffering with illness, but I'd like to least show her that the loneliness is soon to be over! (I know it's also the best way to gradually get the two accustomed to one another.) Any thoughts?

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