3 Possible Cockerels?


6 Years
May 21, 2015
I bought 6 chicks about 3 weeks back and their all growing fast and happy. All but one was bought straight run which was probably poor planning on my part lol. Ones a Polish chick so I know I won't be finding out until she either lays an egg or crows but I do have three others I suspect might be boys.

The first is an Easter Egger probably a few days older then the rest but is at least 3 and half weeks old.

Second is another Easter Egger one of the youngest of them and the one I most suspect of being a roo.

Last is a frizzled Cochin Bantam. Probably also a few days older then the rest.

The remaining 2 I know one is a pulled and the other I strongly suspect is a pulley as well. So place your bets and let me know what you think. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
I might be jumping the gun a bit trying to figure it out now. It has been a couple years since I've had baby chickens, I've been a quail kick for a bit. That'd be tragic if the turn out not to be Easter Eggers we were really excited to have some new colored egg layers. Though wouldn't be the first time tractor supply told me chick were one breed and turned out to be another. Time will tell.
It’s hard to tell at this age. Best to wait until 6+ weeks. But, that being said, they’re combs are large, but not particularly red.

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