3 questions, when out, membrane stuck and 1st hatched.


12 Years
Nov 14, 2007
Eaton, Ohio
I have 3 questions.

We had one chick born yesterday morning, he is still in the hatcher with the other eggs who haven't hatched. We had 3 pips and one is zipped out and trying to get out of shell now.

Question 1): The older chick keeps going to him and pecking away, (he's probably hungry, you tap on glass and he runs over the other eggs to get to your finger.) he has torn a few of the new ones fluffies off, the new one, peeps and tries to get away.

What should I do?

Question 2: The new one has what looks like a small piece of membrane stuck over his right eye. What, if anything, should I do?
Will it dry stuck on there and the chick loose eye? (UPdate it looks like it is now stuck to the front of the eye, off eye now, but on face?) I think the older one is trying to peck it off......

Question 3: the older chick born yesterday morning is fluffy and dry and full of go. I don't think I should open hatcher to get him out yet, but don't want him harassing the other eggs either.
We have 14 more to hatch in there.
Should I get him out tomorrow? Or leave him in for maybe 4 days? (Tom is day 2 for him) to give others time to hatch?

Anyway, all suggestions truly appreciated.

I should probably just go to bed and whatever will be....will be in the a.m.

Thanks all,
I don't like opening the incubator while the others are pipping and zipping, but there have been times the first one out has been such a little bully to the ones just hatching that I have scooped it out quickly. Seems like when they hatch quite a bit ahead of the others is when the problem usually happens. You just have to use your own judgement. Good luck with the rest of your hatch!
Thanks, I may see what going on in the a.m. (later a.m. that is) lol!
Looks like 2 others are starting to zip, may keep him too busy running from one to another for him to do much damage?
Sure made the one get his act together and get out of that egg faster!

Will the membrane just dry up n fall off of him?
If the membrane is still stuck on the chicks eye when she is dry and ready to come out of the bator you can use a warm wet washcloth and wipe it off gently. I had to do this for one of mine on the last hatch.
Thanks for the suggestions, looks like it fell off on its own. Thank goodness.
Now waiting on more pips.
Thanks all.
I guess let mother nature take its corse really.
Take care,

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