3 week Ameraucauna/Easter Egger, can anybody help with gender and breed

I give away all of my eggs at no cost. i am not in it for “production.” i am in it to supply my family and friends with high quality eggs.
And that’s great, and I’m in it for companionship, the joy of raising birds, and pretty eggs. Ameraucanas check all those boxes, so for me the price is worth it.
And that’s great, and I’m in it for companionship, the joy of raising birds, and pretty eggs. Ameraucanas check all those boxes, so for me the price is worth it.
And that’s great, and I’m in it for companionship, the joy of raising birds, and pretty eggs. Ameraucanas check all those boxes, so for me the price is worth it.
okay...egg shell color doesn’t matter to me...but i respect that...and i appreciate anyone who loves chickens. you might even win me over. i am a person who has grown up with only brown eggs...so...i have a bias

okay...egg shell color doesn’t matter to me...but i respect that...and i appreciate anyone who loves chickens. you might even win me over. i am a person who has grown up with only brown eggs...so...i have a bias
ironically, i was thinking of getting some layers that laid white eggs since we never had that...but my family my revolt. ;)
In regards to you $20 a bird comment, what’s funny is that you can buy something like an ISA brown which will lay 6-7 large-XLarge eggs a week for $3 at a feed store so the price doesn’t usually mirror their production

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