3 week old chick crowing?


6 Years
May 9, 2015

I have a Rhode Island Red chick that is about 3 weeks old. I bought "her" at a feed store approx. 1 week ago, and they said "she" was about 2 weeks(ish) old. I swear s/he crowed this morning. Very weird squeaky sound with neck all stretched out. This chick has been rushing our hands when we put them in the brooder to pick up the chicks.. Think I have a Roo?
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My polish started crowing at 4-5 weeks. I caught him on video the other day. Now the two smaller Roos are trying their hand at it. Very amusing. Pic is of CJ and Bigfoot after crowing (back bantam and polish).
My easter egger boy crowed a couple time at five weeks old. He scared himself so bad, that now, he barely clucks. Funniest thing ever. He is almost 13 weeks old now.
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Junebuggena - that is great! The little bantam roo in my picture has tried a couple of times. Whenever he does he runs for cover because the big boys follow it up with a peck. Lol - it is all about the dominance.
Roxanne has yet to do it again. I googled baby roosters crowing, and pretty sure that is what he/shedid. We shall wait and see. But I think I might have to start calling him/her ROCKY.
Oops, she did it again. I missed it again too.. What a stinker.. We have started calling her George (I didn't like Rocky). If she is a she, George will have to suit. If not, we have already found a home for him, we just have to wait until he is about 2 mos. old. :)
We had a brown leghorn who crowed at 3 weeks. I didn't believe my son when he told me, but he really did. His comb was full and red with wattles by 6 weeks old - and he was already jumping his hens. Now I have a coop full of 6 week old mixed breeds & I can't tell what they are to save my life. Wish they'd all let us know so early! (Here's our leghorn at 6 weeks)

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