3 week old chick eats some, refuses to drink, listless


In the Brooder
Jul 31, 2015
Hi, I am new to keeping chickens. My daughter talked me into getting 6 buff orph. chicks about 3 wks ago. They were doing fine until a couple of days ago I lost the runt. I figured it was meat to be since she was so much smaller, not thriving. Then yesterday one of the other chicks started to act listless, went downhill fast so I isolated her & I got a medicine dropper & started giving water with a little sugar & salt. Gave about every 3 - 4 hrs through the night. In the morning she was back on her feet & chirping but still some listless. I noticed she would eat a little but absolutely refused to drink. I had them all on medicated starter feeder. She still stools & I don't see any blood or pasty butt. Went & got Sav-a -chick electrolytes & probiotics but she still refuses to drink & fights me in giving her liquids by dropper. What I do notice about her is she is lighter & bonier than her siblings. She has a hard lump just under her neck area. I'm not sure if this is bone or her crop? Could she have an impacted crop? I try to massage it gently but it stays unchanged. I can't continue to give fluids by dropper forever. What should I do? If she does have an impacted crop can I save her? I can't stand to see her just die.
Welcome to BYC. If the crop is hard, it could be impacted with bedding. I would dip it's beak into the electrolyte water several times an hour, then massage the crop. At this age some chicks may develop coccidiosis, which may cause runny stools, lethargy, puffy up, and refusal to eat. It is treated with Corid (amprollium) in the water. I hope that you can save your chick.
Thank you for the reply. If I am giving chicks medicated starter feeder, can they still get coccidia? Chicks stools maybe a little loose but I don't see blood. Should I give Corid anyway even if she is on medicated feed? any advise appreciated.
Thanks for all the good support & advice. I was unable to get Corid, everywhere I went was out, but a feed store did have Sulmet which they recommended. I wanted to give something as soon as possible so Sulmet it was. I started medication Saturday afternoon. The sick chick would eat a little but absolutely avoided water. When I give medicated water with a dropper she would strain her neck & make gagging motions. Couple of times she would spit the water up a little. Last night she even seemed to have difficulty breathing. In hind sight I may have been overdoing the water but was wanting to make sure she was getting enough medication. I thought for sure she would die last night but this morning she was up eating some & there was indication she had drank on her own ( little feed chunks in the water). She had 48 hrs of the Sulmet & is now on 1/2 strenght. So today I am just dipping her beck periodically in the medicated water & hoping she is getting enough. The more I check what I thought was a hard lump below her throat, I think it is a very pronounced keel bone. She is so tiny & bony compared to her sisters. I still massage gently around that area since all the gagging & aversion to water made me think some obstruction? Anyway I cautiously think she maybe coming around & I definitely think she may have had coccidia. I treated her healthy siblings also.
Another question: I have two 3-4 month old Jersey giant/ game hen mix out in a separate coop/run area. They are huge already, like the size of most chickens I see. I got them as a straight run at 6 wks old & I traded the 3 roosters from that run for the B.O. chicks. I have a separate little mini coop for the B.Os when they feather out, but now I'm concerned will I ever be able to put them in the same large fenced in area as the Jersey Giants?? The Jersey girls don't seem aggressive but they are so big & I hear will get a lot bigger.

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