3 week old RIR Sex Please


10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
Hollister, CA (Nor Cal)
So i purchased these 6 straight run Rhode Island Reds and now think I might have an even split of m/f

My coworker agreed to take my Roosters since he has both free range (that include roosters) and coop of hens (for eggs.)

I would like to give them to him asap as a reduced flock would be easier to work with.

Currently all the chicks are ok with being held but the suspected roo's don't like it, opposed to the ones with the longer tail feathers constantly run up to me to be hand fed or held.

Please let me know what you think.

Thanks in advance







only roo I see is the 2nd one all the rest I would say pullets but you never know also it is hard at that angle to look for wattles coming in although Miranda and samantha have bigger tail feathers coming in. that is questionable lol
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Oh I forgot to mention, two of the suspect boys are constantly belly bumping, I think its unusual.

Also the unnamed suspect rooster loves to dust bathe, is that a male or female thing? Its really strange, he/she just sits there in the sand kicking up dirt, if I throw food down, he/she won't even bother to get up, but will eat laying in the sand. Talk about lazy

Charlotte is a strange bird, she/he will just freak out and run in circles, while everyone else just stands there going "?"
This is not uncommon for all chicks. My pullets do this quite a bit, though I call it "chest bumping". I think it is a pecking order thing

Actually this is a normal chicken/chick behavior. They all love to take dirt baths. It sure is funny to watch though.
If you look at the bow of the wing what would be shoulders there is a absence of feathers and still down covered. Males develop these feathers later then females. You can see the lighter down compared to the darker feathers in this area on the females, this combined with short tail feathers = cockerel.

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