33 Eggs Due to Hatch Oct 25 (Hatch Complete)

I must have miscounted somehow at one time.
I have 17 babies in the brooder and 2 hatched in the bator drying off and 1 pipped. One we removed today that had expired and 6 are not pipped yet (and may not, can't say). So, that makes 27. Means when I thought I had 29, there were 28, then we removed a quitter, and 27 went into the last three days. I'd say you'll have 20, at least, James. Could be the others won't pip or are already expired, but I wont let them go past tomorrow morning. Darn styrobator.
Perfectionist me isn't thrilled with those numbers. DH keeps saying he's going to make me a good cabinet bator some day and I'm going to take him up on that.
You've still had excellent hatch Cyn! I think you should be very pleased. It doesn't sound like they are done yet either. James should be very happy!
Okay, they are playing with my head! I just put two babies from the bator into the brooder. There is still one baby in the bator and one zipping. That is 21! Where was that chick hiding???????

ETA: The zipper just hatched, so now there are 21 babies. If no others hatch, that is still enough to justify a short drive up here for you, James. I still don't like a 75% hatch, though.
Maybe at least one more will pop out.
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I think 21 is a great job !!!! I am thrilled and can not wait to come get them.You did great. 75% was always a great hatch for me with the strofoam bators but I am sure you were hoping for more being such a perfectionist ands all.Tell them daddy will be there very soon!
Thanks, but we lost one just now. I realized that the last one to hatch couldn't pull one leg under it. Then I saw the top of the leg looked red so took it out of the bator. The umbilical cord had wrapped itself around both legs and was cutting off circulation to the other one. It was really tight. In trying to remove it, suddenly the inside began to come out. DH tried and tried to push them back in, but it was no use and we had to euthanize the poor thing. I'm sorry, James, but what a freak thing to happen! Guess you'll see it all if you hatch long enough.
So, there are 20 in the bator and Im trying to decide what to do about the rest.
We candled them. Only one is alive, but is not in the correct position to pip-it's head is down away from the air cell. The rest were gone-we opened the aircell to be certain, but they were bunched up on one side of the egg and the aircell had very dark, defined edges. I am not counting on this one to make it out, so James, you have 20 cuties here, very rambunctious!

Again, darn styrobators, grumble, grrr.

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