36 Orp Eggs In The Bator - Photos!!

Who is angela and why don't I know her?

Her name is Angela Stanley. I dont think she is related to Tommy Stanley though
I have nine of her chicks in the brooder now. She has really nice blues the best you can buy (blues) I hear of exhibition stock. She is also super nice and does run eggbid auctions and ebay auctions for her eggs.
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I ended this hatch last night and cleaned out the bator. I have 13 chicks. The last three had developmental issues and even though they hatched they just couldn't live in the shape they were in. I have had to cull them. I wasn't ready to face any more like those 3. I ended it all. Finished.

I am happy with the chicks I have. They are tiny. They are cute. They are strong. A nice crop of babies!

Thanks Jim and Julie for sharing so many of your eggs!
LOL Angela is NOT related to Tommy even she has the same last name but she does have his stock along with Wye lines as well. She no longer has Catalpa lines in her birds.

From Dick, the judge out in MA, said that all the blue orps in this country are all related to the original stock. Cant say where Mr Wye got his birds or was he the actual importer of these birds in the US. Still learning!

Yes she got some goreous stock....as of today, I got total of three splash chicks out of ten eggs. Darn PO and weird humidity in my incubator, my fault!
When you are good and ready next spring, I might order some of your eggs! Put me on for your list next year and hopefully those Catalupa girls and Gordie chicks will be up and running next spring or late fall at the earliest. They are sure late growing or sloooooooooow growing breeds!
And I have just found out the blue/black/splash orps go Broody too durn easy...I have 3 at the moment!!...

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