***<3ChickenForever and ChickenPeep's CHAT thread!***

Too cute!!! What is it?

Its a chicken..
I have a tooth growing in under the baby tooth that has not come out yet. The dentist goes "Oh this one needs to come out soon! Pretty wiggly!" He wiggled it a little, then wiggled it as HARD as possible! In fact, it was so hard, his hand slipped, and i thought the tooth came out! Ouch! Then he goes "Do you want me to pull this out for you?" "Nooooo. "
Right after i fely something warm in my mouth and realized it was blood. I spit in the grass (I feel bad for the owners of that lawn) and lets just say, it was RED, very very red.
He definitely did something! It is looser and more sore.

That was scary! Why dentist, why?

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