***<3ChickenForever and ChickenPeep's CHAT thread!***

Hi everyone! Forever is on!
I really need to rant. = / But if I post it here someone's gonna get all butthurt and report me...
Just rant id do it, i dont mind if you do, also im mad because a stinky rat dug up one of my dead hens from a year or 2 ago!
Johnn, I never had a problem like yours, that a stinky rat dug up a dead chicken. I did put a baby chicken that didn't hatch with the others in a pot of mine and I used the dirt to make a new garden pot for my tater plant. it's in a big pot for now, it was in a smaller pot and I transfered it, it was not root-bound. didn't have much roots.. maybe long strings but it popped out upside down sadly but now I'm in wait to see if it grows more leaves. ;) the dead baby chicken is deep under the tater now.

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