3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I haven't read the thread yet but I just saw this post and it reminded me that DH asked if a stronger flashlight would improve my candling ability. Hmmm, wonder what might appear in my stocking this year?
My final count at 10 days was pretty disappointing
Infertility or freezing cost most Iowa Blues.
19 Iowa Blues
2 Iowa Blue/Ameraucana
1 OEG/EE from Allbreeds
5 Misc from Tuthillny
Leaving a total of 27 out of the initial 72.
Wait until day 18 and then candle, by then you're most of the time absolutely sure what has developed and what quit. That way you can feel confident in your decision to toss out certain eggs.
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I've eggtopsied every one of my non hatchers and every one has been a perfectly formed baby that just didn't hatch. I've been setting about a 12-18 eggs a week since September and I have between 1 and 4 die like that out of every hatch. It's frustrating.

**** raises hand **** I do!

Which species of tortoises do you have? I had a redfoot and a leopard....Redfoot was 5 y/o, raised her from a baby, and the leo unk. age, but he was the size of a basketball. It was about an hour after dark one night when I remembered that I hadn't brought my torts in from their daytime pen. I go out to get them and came upon 3 raccoons fighting over my torts' dead bodies.
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Candled and weighed my little eggies. Only pulled two (out of 24) one was clear, the other had a blood ring. At least I hope it is a blood ring now! My young roo appears to be very active.
The eggs are losing weight faster than I like, probably cuz I caught the humidity in the incubator in the teens a couple of times! First time I didn't believe the hygrometer so I checked it with the salt/water and it is pretty well right on. Suppose our extremely dry winter has to show up somewhere: we haven't recieved a drop of rain this December at all! Hopefully January will be wet.

This hatch does seem to have an aura of pain about it... no more falling, no more surgeries and no more owies!!

suppose I should hunt down that goose flapping picture... but the chicken flapping pictures are soo awesome, that an easy to photograph goose doesn't seem right.
I've eggtopsied every one of my non hatchers and every one has been a perfectly formed baby that just didn't hatch. I've been setting about a 12-18 eggs a week since September and I have between 1 and 4 die like that out of every hatch. It's frustrating.

**** raises hand **** I do!

Which species of tortoises do you have? I had a redfoot and a leopard....Redfoot was 5 y/o, raised her from a baby, and the leo unk. age, but he was the size of a basketball. It was about an hour after dark one night when I remembered that I hadn't brought my torts in from their daytime pen. I go out to get them and came upon 3 raccoons fighting over my torts' dead bodies.

Ohhhh nooooo
I have found a few of mine this way to!!! I am so sorry
I have quite a few species. Leopards, Hermans, Russians, Cherryheads , Sulcatas and my favorites - Central American Ornate Wood Turtles allthough my most out going are my Cherry Heads
Here is a pic of my Sulcatas Nyah and Zuri

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