3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Llamas are selling for anywhere from $30-$100 at local auctions here in SW MO.

Can you pop some in a box and ship 'em to me? They are around $500 - $1000+ if you can find them here.
Laree brooder now at 90 degrees outside.

During the day I may have to turn off the heat lamp or get a lower wattage bulb. I'm confident that the chicks will be fine under the ecoglow.

Water is in the brooder. Chick mash I made myself with my Montel blender is also in a little feeder dish for them.

Grow out pens to be built tomorrow.

Definite pip on the Olive colored egg that I put into the bator fresh from Olive's hind end. Hoping it's a FEMALE.
Ya know, I have heard others say that, too. Not the case here though. My Silkies lived outside right along side my large fowl chickens. We had 6 weeks of torture this summer of over 100 degree days. Last winter was also horrible. My Silkies did fine. I even had broody Silkies hatch mid-winter. Crazy little birds.
Ok, all this talk of early birds made me check my eggs when I went in to get cat food... 3 pips and a chick!!!
Thank goodness I did lockdown last night and didn't wait till I got home today. It's a wee black bantie chicklet, can't wait to get a better look at it, can't tell if it's 1/2 silkie or not yet.

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