3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Eight pips, no chicks. Lots of beaks. Get going chickies, don't shrinkwrap in there grrrr.
I call that 'Helping" around here. It's like I can't get anything done w/o my chicken "helpers"......and the peafowl are just as nosy. At least they don't walk under my feet like the silkies do.
Only ONE pip here so far. BUT maybe I will have a chance at the first hatched after midnight!!!!!! (However, I am challenged and have not yet downloaded the atomic clock thing)...hmmm. I do think my computer already shows the time and must do it based on satellite because it automatically corrects when we go on and off daylight savings time.

I'm amazed at how many chicks have pipped and hatched early for people. I expected some, but not this many. Still, I guess there are something like 200 people participating if I remember right, and I have not tried to keep track of how many have reported chicks. anyway, it is SO exciting, and you never get tired of having chicks hatch!!
I would just like to say that it is my professional (ish) opinion that the NYD hatch is the best poultry idea since blue laced red wyandottes. (WHICH I WANT SO BAD SO BAD SO BAD!!!!) my first chick has finally arrived (White Leghorn EE mix)
What a CUTE chick! A very good photo. Somebody (with skills I don't have!!!) needs to make some calendars just with good chick photos! But anyway, this cutie just seems to be especially cute. Is it a marans or X? (I see feathered legs!)

Wish it was, but sorry, she (
) is just a feather legged banty (might be D'uccle X). But thanks for the compliment.
She looks much cuter now that she's dried off.
Okay problem problem. my chick is out of his shell, but he seems to be stuck to the inside, it looks like his umbilical is still attached. his whole body is out, and he is laying on his back with his wings against the ground. but the shell is somehow attached.... things to do things to do?????

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