3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!


Sometimes there isn't anything you can do..
Is it warm enough? Maybe a bit of sugar water with an eyedropper? (side of the beak). Any pasty butt?

We've been dipping its beak, takes about 5 dips before it reacts, doesn't open it's eyes it just opens its mouth and swallows. It's poos were normal until today when they turned watery cause it's not eating.

It's not cold, thermometers are reading 107 directly under the light and 80 about 7 inches away from the light.

Try making a mixture of chick starter and water that forms a paste. Scoop up a very small amount and set it inside the mouth of the chick. This will get some food in him if he swallows it.

Another thing I've found that works is Nutrical. Make sure it is warm so that the paste doesn't gum up the mouth. You can also mix it with just enough water to get it sucked up into the dropper and give it that way. I have saved a few chicks with it.
Time to Announce the Winners of the Small Batch Hatchrate Contest!!!!

Best Small Batch Hatchrate Winner:

Debs Flock with a hatchrate of 85%!

Worst Small Batch Hatchrate Winner:

Cielo with a hatchrate of 8%!

Congrats to the winners and be sure to let me know whether you want a waterer or a feeder for your prize!

Try making a mixture of chick starter and water that forms a paste. Scoop up a very small amount and set it inside the mouth of the chick. This will get some food in him if he swallows it.

Another thing I've found that works is Nutrical. Make sure it is warm so that the paste doesn't gum up the mouth. You can also mix it with just enough water to get it sucked up into the dropper and give it that way. I have saved a few chicks with it.

I mixed up some starter and water, it swallowed a little, and had enough energy to not want me to open its beak. Followed the feed with some save a chick water and put it back under the heat lamp. doesn't look good though. The nearest pet store is 40 mins away, I dont know as if it'd be alive when I got back.
Try making a mixture of chick starter and water that forms a paste. Scoop up a very small amount and set it inside the mouth of the chick. This will get some food in him if he swallows it.

Another thing I've found that works is Nutrical. Make sure it is warm so that the paste doesn't gum up the mouth. You can also mix it with just enough water to get it sucked up into the dropper and give it that way. I have saved a few chicks with it.

I mixed up some starter and water, it swallowed a little, and had enough energy to not want me to open its beak. Followed the feed with some save a chick water and put it back under the heat lamp. doesn't look good though. The nearest pet store is 40 mins away, I dont know as if it'd be alive when I got back.

It's good that he swallowed it! You may give him about half a tablespoon to a tablespoon at a time of the chick starter. About as much as a meal for him so that he is getting enough to eat. Or as much as you can get him to take. It is best to try and fill their crop if you can.

I generally buy Nutrical at the feedstore. If you still have the Save a Chick, then use it, as it has a few of the same things in it.
Originally Posted by farmerChef

I also started doing a dry hatch until lockdown, but I also have a little spray bottle to spray the eggs every other day, or when ever I remember, I haven't done a hatch without spraying, so IDK if it really makes a difference. Its also good if you need to rise the humidity during lockdown, or if you have a shrinkwraped chick.

I think the reason my hatch was so bad was because the power went out for a few hours around day 2-3. It killed most of the eggs, when I candled at day 10, most just have a small amout of veining, 2 made it to lockdown, but it looks like they dyed around day 17-18. This was my worst overall hatch (0/38). They were all shipped eggs. I've had a set of shipped eggs not hatch before, but I always had other eggs (mine or shipped) that hatched.

Power outages are the pits! i now have a new tiny dorm fridge/heater thing that also runs on a car's cigarette lighter, supposedly. Has anyone tried using these w/ the car's lighter, and if so does the car have to be running or how long can you use the car's battery without it going dead? I figured it would be a good backup just in case.
I love your chickens' names!!! I also love Pigpen, who I think is SCG's or else ChooksChick's cutie, but I might be wrong. Anyway I hope Pigpen wins cutest chick contest. NEXT year, we must have best name contest!!!!!

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