3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I have hatched duck & chicken together. No worries.
Well I have the two roos in with the 20 hens.
The splash roo is HUGE so I hope he figures out that he could really be in charge.

No crowing yet.
, but I have the name of a vet that can do decrowing.

And they are both at the bottom of the pecking order.

I hope they get their act together soon or none of my eggs will be fertile on Dec. 11th. They've got a month to get it done.

Just ordered an ecoglo to put in my Laree brooder.

I'm going to sell/or give away some of my older hens to make room for the new ones.
Good morning everyone! I'm off to a show this morning after playing a rousing game of "How many chickens and ducks can you fit in your mini van". Topped that off with watching a bunny commit suicide via my back tire
But we're packed up and on the road. Happy Saturday!
OK I am in but I will fill out the form when I have a better idea how many eggs I will have and have the 4H lined up for adoption. I love donating chickens to kids that love them! But momma needs some too!
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