3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!


Maybe the mail was sorted for your route already when it came in? Hoping for you it shows tomorrow, or there is Monday as these guys don't always hatch when they're supposed to
So methinks the Sherriff is messing with me. For those of you who don't know: she is the funniest lady in the universe. IF you DONT follow her blog, you should.

ANYWHOO--she sent me a big ol box---with a packing slip for emu eggs on the top!!!

(Laree freaks out and gets excited at the same time)

So I start digging, and the eggs are NOT emu eggs, (thank goodness) but they are hermetically sealed with inpenetrable tape, in bubble wrap, in papertowels. I think it is more likely I would break an egg unwrapping it than if I dropped it.

I start lining up the eggs, and most are white Icelandic eggs, but some are distinctively tinted---lord knows what those are. I can't wait to find out!

And to top it all off....there was Fort Knox-triple-wrapped fart egg. I am going to have to make a special cup for it in the turner.
So we are in the same boat, no eggs here yet. In fact, if you have the 'world's worst post office' then I believe we are in the same town as well. I've resorted to opening a PO Box at a different post office. Today I was in complete panic mode when I couldn't find my keys, but the majority of my hatch is still in Texas and I'm in PA, so I don't need the keys anyway. Waaaah!

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