3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Awww Mahonri, feel better soon

Could it have been due to your recent surgery? Maybe you need a little time off...although maybe that would be stressful too.
Imprint on cats!

Imprinting on cats is funny but my girlfriend intentionally imprints her goslings on her bulldog. She can train Stella (the dog) to run inside when she sees an eagle flying over, the goslings follow her. It's worked out really well and really helped eliminate a lot of losses. Besides, it gives us something to laugh at watching those little flappers waddling after the dog

I'd pay to see that. We need a documentary!
Mahonri... You should just take the rest of the week off and go back to work on Tuesday... or maybe you should just wait till next year!! You don't want to overdo it after surgery and this heart thing!! You'll have plenty of stress next week with all the hatching etc anyway!!
Sorry.... Mahonri (dang auto correct!)

Btw... Still not candling. But at about 12:01 am -also known as the 10th day... I will be in the dark, eggies and flashlight in hand, not knowing WHAT the heck I'm looking for or at, I'm sure.
Mahonri is hard core. HARD CORE.

....I'm like, "Eggies and chickies!"

and he's all, "I took a electrical shock to the heart, had a sandwich, and changed my socks."

Feel better, dearie!
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And you may or may not be doing the may or may not be incubator check...
And you may or may not be candling said may or may not be eggs....
And you may or may not be glued to the may or may not be incubator on January 9th watching your may or may not be set eggs maybe or maybe not pip, zip and hatch.....

When will you know for sure???

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