3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

My Chooks Chick Flapper Contest entry
Mahonri, do you take aspirin? Atrial fibrillation can put you at risk for blood clots, so if not, you should discuss it with your doctor . Hopefully it will not reoccur so you don't have to go on blood thinners. I had palpitations, went to the cardiologist but found out nothing:idunno
Candled. Frustration.

7 look clear to me - they are not mostly shadow like the others - marked them with a slash.

Can't see into BCM... gave up trying after 3rd egg, there are 15 of these.

Nobody smells, saw no movement. Couldn't bear to kick anyone out of the bator after the story about culling good eggs.

So.. Started with 44, am down to 37.
Stolen from another thread but wanted to spread the word.

Hey, thanks admhotel! I stumbled across this post as I was checking in on the New Year's Day Hatch info. I've got only 3 of 7 still viable in the bator. Oh well.

Here's a photo of my Christmas EGG tree and I'd love the support of my fellow BYCers to win this contest. You can vote daily through Christmas Eve from any unique IP address on any iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, PC, laptop, Kindle Fire and Mac! I'm tree #35, Kathy M at http://www.cooperboone.com/eat/contest
demonstrate the power of BYC!!!!


I love it! I'm voting for you!

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