3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I told you I wanted a girl! And and best be getting me a girl! A cutsie pootsie silkie girl that I will carry around with me in a purse
This is the last day that we have more in front of us than behind us.

For those of you keeping track, this is day 10.

For those of you who resist candling, break out those flashlights and start peeking!

Only 11 more days to go....

I was at the taco place getting lunch the other day and found 4 eggs in the bottom of mine when paying... *sigh*

Okay, for all in the Flapper Contest, your entries are viewable here.

Superchemicalgirl (hereafter known as SupeRxGirl because I'm lazy when I type), would you kindly add that link to the description in the contest page?

I'll post a thread for the contest to the whole forum when entries are closed for a poll vote by the public. Prize is one of these:


I know you'll mount it on your coop!

I have one on the coop nearest my feed house, and when I ring it everyone knows it's time for chow- this has conditioned them to come running when the bell rings, so it's a great way to call them in when they're out ranging. I know you're wondering why I'd want to call them in, right? Well, around here, the sun can be shining with a tornado watch, so if you can catch them and put them up prior to the hail hitting the fan, you have better luck.

Get me more flapper pics, folks!!
I was at the taco place getting lunch the other day and found 4 eggs in the bottom of mine when paying... *sigh*

Okay, for all in the Flapper Contest, your entries are viewable here.

Superchemicalgirl (hereafter known as SupeRxGirl because I'm lazy when I type), would you kindly add that link to the description in the contest page?

I'll post a thread for the contest to the whole forum when entries are closed for a poll vote by the public. Prize is one of these:


I know you'll mount it on your coop!

I have one on the coop nearest my feed house, and when I ring it everyone knows it's time for chow- this has conditioned them to come running when the bell rings, so it's a great way to call them in when they're out ranging. I know you're wondering why I'd want to call them in, right? Well, around here, the sun can be shining with a tornado watch, so if you can catch them and put them up prior to the hail hitting the fan, you have better luck.

Get me more flapper pics, folks!!

That's pretty cool! Gotta go stalk some more flappers.....
I was at the taco place getting lunch the other day and found 4 eggs in the bottom of mine when paying... *sigh*

Okay, for all in the Flapper Contest, your entries are viewable here.

Superchemicalgirl (hereafter known as SupeRxGirl because I'm lazy when I type), would you kindly add that link to the description in the contest page?

I'll post a thread for the contest to the whole forum when entries are closed for a poll vote by the public. Prize is one of these:


I know you'll mount it on your coop!

I have one on the coop nearest my feed house, and when I ring it everyone knows it's time for chow- this has conditioned them to come running when the bell rings, so it's a great way to call them in when they're out ranging. I know you're wondering why I'd want to call them in, right? Well, around here, the sun can be shining with a tornado watch, so if you can catch them and put them up prior to the hail hitting the fan, you have better luck.

Get me more flapper pics, folks!!

Wow AWESOME goodie
Flap Babies Flap Momma needs a dinner bell
Although the little conducter chicklet is going to be hard to beat I think

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