3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I'm putting ornaments on my tree. Using paperclips for the hangers. (Super WalMart was OUT on Thursday!!) I know it's late, but when I was a kid, sometimes we didn't decorate a tree until Christmas Eve.... I live alone and my Little Linda - you know, the child inside? - wanted the tree decorated tonight.

The tree has been lighted for a week, but now that I'm home this weekend during the day it looks so bare and empty. Viewing it through the window from outside, in the daylight, it looks very unfinished. So I'm fixing that.
My little is too excited to sleep,
so we are listening to my favorite songs and waiting for him to crash... *le sigh* He's 4 and this year he *really* gets it!! He totally believes and is probably gonna puke with excitement.

I'm really enjoying this season!

May all of you have a joyous day and fabulous new year!
Good morning and Merry Christmas everyone!!
Santa got me the new Ecoglow 50 and it's really big. Haven't put it together yet, but it looks like an improvement so far to me.

Now I have to wait for DH to get up.. grumble..
I slept from 11:30PM until 12:30PM when DW got me up to fill stockings.

I've just laid in bed ever since. Finally got up and came into the family room so as not to disturb DW in her Christmas slumber.

sleep evades me tonight, not good.

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