3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Yes, he is looking good isn't he? I saw him last week at church. It's awesome to see people loose weight. They seem to glow.
Amazing he is already getting up and down the mountain since his surgery.
I am so pleased with my son's father... I have the two chicks in the shower stall in the upstairs bathroom, and I was really worried about how to get them to drink and eat. The little smarty pants went and brought in a broody (1st timer) and put her in a box and turned out the lights in the bathroom after about an hour he put the chicks in with her.

The babies have a mother!
She darn near took my hand off when I went to check on the littles! *Yikes* She means business! When the other chicks hatch I'll put 'em under her.

If the eggies would just hatch! They just sit there blankly staring back at me...
I dont have any pips yet. Probly cause they're too afraid to see the crazy ladies tapping the bator windows.

My chicks that have hatched early are now tapping the bator windows from the other side. They want OUT. The rest of the eggs are just sitting there, unpipped... mocking me.


You vewy funny lady SCG!

Dingo, go to the movies! It helps pass a few hours.
first chick is out. It is the one that was beeping at me last night while candling. It is a mutt, but still a chick. Hopefully this is a change in my luck. There are as more mutts pipping and a bantam Langshan.
I'm not an official part but 11 of our 11 Lavendar Ameraucanas went into lockdown today!!! Whooee!!!! Makes me happy..... Praying that I got the humidity just so!!!! Great luck with all the hatches........... And happy New Years! Nancy
I got my first pip about an hour ago!
I only have three that made it to lockdown but they went directly from the coop into the bator at noon on 12/10/11!
Here's my BCM/BO egglet. Apparently it did not get the memo on pipping on the wide end of the egg.

I'm not official either but I should have eggs hatching on NYD - lets hope anyway that I get 11 out of 11 of these JerseyGiants. Also I have some coturnix and button quail due later in the week. My little button quail Booger needs a friend...

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