3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

auuuuugh!! I want a showgirl! I had to let mine go with the rest of my silkies but I miss him/her. So cute! And that brooder is awesome! I would love to buy a brooder box, too bad you aren't local to me

No chicks out yet here.
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My humidity has been running between 79 and 99 during lockdown. Can u boost your humidity more? Perhaps a soaked sanitary napkin, or a wet paper towel rolled up in a jar, look at craz e laid e's post a few back for pick.
I took some photos while we were making it. All of it is wire except the front "privacy" area and the top (so they don't get pooped on). It is light enough that I can move it myself, but it's much better with two people. We keep this one out in the coop for broodies (whether to have babies or to be broken), for slightly injured hens and as a prison for baddies as needed so we can keep them with the flock for the most part. I did bring it out into the yard this spring to use as a halfway house for chicks during the warm days, then they'd go back into their indoor brooder at night. The wire bottom allowed them to eat some grass but I could just hose it out and let it dry.

Hope these pictures help. After a year of being in the coop it's fairly disgusting looking now.



Chick 2 has arrived!

I know, you'll all get sick of me, but this is my first hatch. Heck, I still feel like Christmas morning every time I find an egg in the nest box and I got my first chickens over 30 years ago (I'm old).

Anyway, chick 2 is from my show golden campines. I had my breeding group shipped to me from the northeast to california.

Best in show at our County fair this year?

Moved fluffed chicks to a make-shift brooder and cleared a bit of debris from the bator. While cleaning the bator found a chick dead in egg, zipped but membrane dried to side of egg carton. So sad, poor little baby, made it this far and worked at zipping. Just breaks my heart. It's bitter sweet, this hatching process.

Got one still drying in the bator and 14 eggs still doing nada. I didn't check them at all, just wanted to get in and out as quick as possible, if no one progresses by the time the last one fluffs, maybe I'll give each a tap to see if they tap back.

Of the hatched fuzz butts, I've got:

4 LCO and 1 BO kindness of Rockinpaints
4 BCM kindness of Cowgirl
2 Silkies and 2 EE
4 Barred Hollands

Congrats on all the chicks

I have chicks & pips. I did lose one chick that started to zip, I saw movement earlier but hesitated to help since they are in the cabinet and I hate to open that during hatching.
Well I finally dove in quick but it was too late

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