3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

OHHHHH I bet you are right
COOL... and no, we don't get sick of you.

All of us are "Guano Loco", so post away and never be afraid to tell us what's happening.

This is like magic...................and I can see where the addiction can get ahold of you.

Let me see, the incubator holds 42 eggs, if you set monthly.............................what would you do with 500ish chicks each year? Yikes! Of course that assumes a phenomenal hatch rate.....might as well be positive.

My husband just got back from the feed store from picking up the chick starter. He was telling the girl that we had eggs hatching and she was asking to buy a couple of my laying pullets. Apparently something got into her birds last night and killed a couple. I don't think I can let any of my laying girls go.

Now ask me a few weeks from now..............

Thanks Mahonri................you have no idea how OCD I am,
You might change your mind.

I gave several dozen eggs away for Christmas, each carton had to be packed with the same chicken's egg packed into the same carton cell. Each egg carton was identical!

Off to take pics of my chicks.

Laree and I couldn't figure out which one of the chicks in my box was a SFH... I 'guessed' it was a little brown striped thing that was beautiful. (but it could have been an Icelandic) That little brown stripped chick just drowned... marbles weren't enough to keep it's tired little head up. YIKES... first time that has ever happened to me.

Let's hope the real SFH is one of the light brown ones. Off to take pics, then off to Home Depot to return every thing we didn't use to build my grow out pens then off to Staples to buy some printer cartridges.

Then I'll come back and post pics of the chicks. I still have the last litttle BWA X FBCM in the bator as it's not up and about like the other ones. I pray it makes it as I've named it "29".. hope it's a pullet and it will lay olive colored eggs.

Cielo... sorry for misspelling your name!!!

...y hablo español tambien!
I am just lovin' all the chix pix and the news of hatching. I'm still holding steady in pip stage...no zippers yet. Up to 9 Salmon Faverolles and 3 Marans pipped, but nobody seems terribly ambitious. (Maybe they're shy and don't wanna be first) Every time I look inside the 'bator I see a new egg pimple or divot.

LOL about the Great Dane hair or pip crack comment! I can relate. I thought there was some residual cardboard egg carton shave-down schwuzzie on a Marans egg...nope! A pip crack! Okay... Maybe I really do need glasses. Last time I put on my readers, though, a coworker piped up with "Wow! Those really make you look smart!"

The wooden brooders are fab! Kudos to the engineers out there. I just have an aged power-sucking Brower brooder which is pretty industrial looking. But I sure do love the poop tray for cleaning and external waterers and feeders....and it holds the temps great. But it is SO ugly..... It's relegated to the casita (guest house). Out of sight and out of mind...I think my DH would have a fit with all the chickie dander in the house. Plus he's got an uber-sensitive nose....you know, the kind that can smell a dirty diaper from 50 feet.
I'm still breaking him into the chicken thing, so I'll take whatever little bit I can get.....even if it means I have to go visitin' to see the chicks.

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You know what? We need a name for the incubation show we're all watching.... Got any ideas?

The Bator Show

What's Hatchin' America!

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