3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

(Last time I'll post this picture...I promise!)


I'll chime in.... The egg cartons are cut down 1/2 to 2/3 from the top. The bottom of the egg holders are cut to create a round pencil-thick to dime-thick hole in the bottom. This allows the egg to breathe on sides and bottom. Make sure you reduce the size if the egg cartons and don't just plop and egg in there because if they pip low, they'll be stuck. You want just enough carton for the egg to remain upright.

The rubber mat thingy is rubber shelf liner. It can be found where shelf paper is in your local Wal-Mart and even Walgreens. It runs anywhere from $2 to $7 depending on what size (length) you get. It is wonderful how easy incubator cleanup is with this set up!

Your photo reminds me now of my Jr high dances now too, after reading somebody's comment on it!!! I also identify with the 3 different thermometers of different kinds in there! I am definitely going to get some shelf liner stuff for the next hatch and will try the cut down and holes-in-bottom cartons for some of the eggs.

I STILL have just one tiny pip here. I had thought that good news till I realized I had misinterpreted the rules for the first chick out after midnight. I thought it had to be a person's first chick of the whole batch. I do have another computer window open with the atomic clock ticking away, so just in the chick cooperates, I'll be ready w/ my camera!
I've hatched in egg cartons before, but I only use the plastic ones, the pulp ones I think suck the moisture out of the incubator. I do cut the bottoms out of the egg holes to help air and moisture move throughout the incubator. I haven't noticed a difference in hatch rate doing it in the cartons or not. The mess is about the same for both... because you cut holes in the bottom of the cartons. I think hatching without the cartons gives the chicks a bit more room, and since I have a small brinsea I didn't use the cartons this time.

Also edited to add that I get nervous incubating in the cartons because of (what I perceive to be) a large gradient when the incubator moves in the auto-turn. An egg can just slip right out of the carton. So I incubate without cartons, too.

Just my opinion.

Thank you for your experiences...especially that you have not noticed a difference in hatch rates w/ either method. That is the main thing I was wondering. (I tried to answer your post earlier but do not see it showing up, so sorry if this is a repeat.)
That is the rooster crammed in the corner!! And no, he wasn't stuck!

I had two hens fighting to lay an egg in the box.... then neither of them did!

And that is Gerrymander Goose, she is an american buff, whom I won in a feedstore raffle. I never knew how way cool geese could be! We
her. (hope she is a she...) Thanks!

AND My easter egger is out!!
Once it dries I'll snap some pictures. One of the olive eggs (from BHep) is pipping and 4 more of my hens eggs are pipped. Sitting on the hands is hard work!!!
now to finish reading the jazillion posts...

edited to add.... That easter egger is LOUD!!!! I'm about to put it back in its shell! Maybe its chirping will get everyone else hatching.

should go look up the atomic clock rules and such...
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Well I have at least one internal pip. I candled one with a good flashlight I stole from my mom tonight. I can't find my good one anywhere! I bet the dog ate it. ANYHOW regardless of MrHeinz trying to burst my happy bubble. I saw it's lil beak going "peep peep" silently.

23 days for Jersey Giants - I think not Jimbo - and if they are crosses they will be really big crosses and I will bring you the giant banty cochin roos and let them ninja kick you for even trying to jinx my hatch MRHEINZ!
12 pips..trying to stay up until midnight but it's gonna be tough! The atomic clock site doesn't work that well on my iPad but I can at least get a time up..

Kinda worried about my earlier pippers. They were in my bad incubator for a week so hopefully they aren't shrinkwrappy.. But sitting on my hands!
Sorry, just catching up, soooo many pages!

Any chickie after midnight.
Doesn't mater if you've already got early birds out, your still in the comp.

So far I had 14 out before midnight last night and two more this morning, more pips and a zipper at the moment.

I've moved 13 to the little brooder, (sadly one of the 14 died last night) they were peeping loudly and panting, my early birds were desperate for a drink, poor babies. I left today's hatchers in the 'bator, one has a little yolk still to absorb and one is still sitting in it's shell so I'm not fiddling with it.
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I have read that JG can take longer. Maybe it was Bobbi Pronto's web site.

I have heard that too - I'm just messing with you but I think they are just normal JG. The guy I got them from thought he had the problem taken care of before he shipped me eggs.

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