3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

One external pip and not the one that I candled.
Chick #8 popped out right before dinner.

It is absolutely KILLING ME to not open the bator and pick up those cute fuzzy little chicks. But I still have four more eggs in there that are pipped. Then there are just the two eggs I thought were no good when I candled. One never started (infertile) and the other quit around day 10 (I think).

Thanks, they are all right next to me right now and the green singers and singing their hearts out. The hen from that pair is broody on a clutch of two eggs right now, about 6 more days to hatching.

Yay! And, send me button quail..

I only have one right now that is about 2 1/2 weeks old. Then I have another 15 eggs that are due on the 9th - trying to get it a buddy. His name is Booger and he has had several adventures already...
Peep_Show, thank you very much for that explanation. It makes perfect sense. I do choose to remain "plump" (matter of fact, JUST ate a stellar dinner of eggs cooked in bacon fat with the bacon on the side) so, hopefully, these shrunken brain moments won't scare the heck out of me like this very often.

wolftracks, I've had "epiphanies" before - which is what I choose to call the odd thoughts I blurt without regard to people around me. As for not doing things I thought I did... well, this is the first Big Scary One I've experienced. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

I have NO idea why I thought I would have set eggs with their pointy ends up. Luckily, the MiniAdvance incubators (which each hold only 7 eggs) cook the eggs on their sides. So those 14 silkie eggs due in 19 days didn't trigger my panic.

It was the NYDH eggs. The ones I should have set on time but didn't. Obviously they are really important to me, despite my late setting. Another stroke of luck: I have Wednesday off this week so I can be home for the propane heater repair guy. Hopefully I will be able revisit this thread and post about pips and zips and maybe even early hatchers.
Mahonri Syndrome?

HEY! I resemble that remark.

I must say, I've done better this hatch than any I remember, I'm still fussing over 29 (what I named my last chick out). Don't know if it will make it.... still in the brinsea. I turned the humidity down to 30% and it's fluffed up quite a bit but it's just not doing much movement.

Last year I won the first hatched after midnight... this year, they are all done.

I've been watching the chicks out in the Laree brooder and those FBCMs are the bosses of every chick in there but one feisty Icelandic, I'm imagining it's a roo... a Dexter Junior, same coloring, but HUGE. These Icelandics are the biggest I've seen. Boston must have been feeding them extra well.

And those two bargain chicks are HUGE too and I'm totally in love with the lavender chick.

I probably won't get any sleep tonight. At least not until my kids are all in bed and I don't expect that until at least 2AM.
Thanks, they are all right next to me right now and the green singers and singing their hearts out. The hen from that pair is broody on a clutch of two eggs right now, about 6 more days to hatching.


Pics of the little ones are a must.

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