3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

LOL, I need to remember to set eggs today!! With all the excitement, I almost forgot I have some awesome Bad AZZ silkie eggs to set today. Empty out one bator and fill another. I have more eggs coming this week and already have some on order for the Valentines day hatch. Ummmmm me thinks I need more brooders and grow out pens! DH asked where all these chickens are going......

I hope you see some action today, it is good news that they are chirping and moving!

Thanks. It's maddening to see all the good hatches from people who set on time, and know that we're obviously having issues considering we set a day early. A single pip would jack our spirits a bit...

ok.. i think i'm a bit confused.. isn't this the new year's DAY hatch?...
my quail just started hatching this morning.. if I knew it was the new year's EVE hatch I would have set them a day earlier....
I've been setting eggs the past few days for a slightly staggered hatch (18 marans and a bunch of mutt eggs).
I have 2 bators going with the new eggs; and another going with my quail for this hatch.

my newest bator arrived pretty much DOA.. luckily they have shipped out a replacement already
Thanks. It's maddening to see all the good hatches from people who set on time, and know that we're obviously having issues considering we set a day early. A single pip would jack our spirits a bit...

ok.. i think i'm a bit confused.. isn't this the new year's DAY hatch?...
my quail just started hatching this morning.. if I knew it was the new year's EVE hatch I would have set them a day earlier....

Hey, we just set them, they have to learn to read the calendar all by themselves
Some just like to be fashionably early I guess
I've been setting eggs the past few days for a slightly staggered hatch (18 marans and a bunch of mutt eggs).
I have 2 bators going with the new eggs; and another going with my quail for this hatch.

my newest bator arrived pretty much DOA.. luckily they have shipped out a replacement already

And what kind of bator is that?

I *think* I am done. Still three eggs left and one chick in ICU that might have 'issues'. Three wet ones still in bator. So out of 25 eggs in lockdown, I hatched 22 chicks if you count the one that might not make it. Only one NN!
The three eggs that are left have something in them, but I hear no peeping and see no movement. I may eggtopsy them.. or I may not.
But leaving them in for a while longer to be sure.

Looking at my blue eggs, some of the ones the seller said were 'pure araucana' hatched! Some are mixed/ee. Not sure which are which - the eggs that were from the pure pen were much smaller than the others, and the chicks are tiny. Also have several barred rocks, a few RIR and some mystery chicks. Oh, and no worries, I like EE's just fine. Just thought it would be neat to have tufts.


Probably Mutt EE from my eggs (guessing here, but my roo looked like this when young):

Enjoying the ecoglow:

Will do a group shot later when everyone is dry.
I've been setting eggs the past few days for a slightly staggered hatch (18 marans and a bunch of mutt eggs).
I have 2 bators going with the new eggs; and another going with my quail for this hatch.

my newest bator arrived pretty much DOA.. luckily they have shipped out a replacement already

And what kind of bator is that?


Michelle, Chookschicks has a Rcom and she loves it. I like my Sportsman, but I have trouble getting the humidity up in it. Katy has the Genesis and she loves them. A lot of times you can ask 15 people with the same bator and you will get 15 answers.

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