3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

http://www.pic4ever.com/images/245.gif I KNEW you would think it is cute.
Waiting for pictures. http://www.pic4ever.com/images/loveshower.gif

Do you know....you are the 1st to hatch a NN from me.

Wow!! The first! Amazing! Still waiting on the two eggs, no pips... I'll do a closer investigation when all pipped eggs hatch. I think there is 3 with pips.
Will go take some decent pictures now...

At 1:48 today Token the TJ's egg hatched!

All that's left are 3 Marans and 1 SF that seem to be doing nothing, so I will ninja-stealth empty the bator and leave them lazy eggs to their devices.

Meanwhile, back in the brooder... Everyone is getting drinking lessons. Happy New Year!
There have been so many this year! How do we choose just one?

Well then, tell me who you think is best, 2nd best, 3rd best etc... it may help break a tie that way.
I just checked a turkey egg, it had a bullseye
so the other one is going in the bator today, it can start while I wait for the rest to finish and for the silkie eggs to arrive. So technically I will be starting turkey today, silkies later in the week, but yes, I'm with ya!
As soon as I could tell she was glued to herself I sta:laurted getting her bath tub ready. I just sat in front of a movie and soaked her, rubbed her, soaked her, rubbed her. Super glue could learn a thing or two from egg goo! That is some seriously sticky stuff!

Thank you, Michelle, for telling me to do it right away. I took her into a small bathroom I had steamed, with heater set at 90* (the hottest it would go), and gently worked to get the gunk off. She only had one wing, and I considered culling her, but I've seen some amazing "challenged" birds on here, so I continued bathing. After about 15 minutes I realized that her right wing (the one she was missing) was completely glued to her head! No wonder she couldn't get out by herself. I continued soaking, dabbing, rubbing, repeat, and finally got her wing loose, which she is able to move, although I think she may need some physical therapy later
. She is really strong, and COMPLAINED the whole time I worked on her. Blow dried her partially and stuck her back in bator for much deserved rest. Can't decide if I should call her Sticky, Trouble or Rocky!

Adrianne started out a bit challenged but when push came to shove she was almost as much of a fighter as Rocky, just sayin

ETA: Congrats and glad you were able to get her unstuck.
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I've GOT to get a pic of "29"... I was getting ready yesterday to throw it out with an unhatched Icelandic. My hearing isn't the best and my little girl said, "Daddy, why would you throw away an egg with a live baby chick?" I said, it hasn't pipped and I can't hear anything and she said, "I can hear it peeping"... so we took it into the kitchen, ran some warm water and pipped the fat end of the egg.

NO AIR CELL and I made it bleed... It had pipped internal and it was way down low on the skinny end of the egg ... I know it wouldn't have made it much longer on the limited amount of air it had. So as the day progressed yesterday, I would remove a little shell here, a little shell there... finally by about 8 PM it was fluffy enough and moving well enough that I put it out in the brooder with the other 28. This morning it looked HUGE. It came out of a VERY DARK marans egg and it's daddy was a Splash Wheaten Ameraucana... it's just a beautiful blue Olive egger and I'm praying it's a female. So at church she is telling folks that she saved a chick.

Gotta keep the youngin's interested in the hobby.
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Well, I just got home and got chores done, I wasn't home at midnight (stayed over at the party we were at - too many drunk people on the roads) so I didn't get to see which was my official "first chick of 2012" BUT 5 hatched overnight or this morning when I wasn't home, so for now there are 6 little bantam Faverolles in the hatcher, 4 that are blue / black, 1 salmon / blue salmon, and one more that came out of a blue / black egg, but it's down is an odd color. It's yellow with black stripes down it's back. It almost looks mottled, and I don't know what this flock could be carrying as far as mottled genes go, or maybe it's a super oddly colored splash chick...I don't know, will have to see how it feathers out...kind of exciting, all the anticipation of the hatch, just for more anticipation to see how this little one turns out!
11 more eggs in the hatcher, 2 of which I was pretty sure were duds at lockdown but put them in anyway...
Good thing I have to leave for work in an hour!

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