3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Oh Kathy... these guys were a bit more cooperative. I'd re-do the duck picture but the ducks are so big they'd now EAT the set. Maybe I should re-do it just to be funny.

We pause this thread for a minor whine break:

I only put 13 into confinement, of which 4 have hatched and 4 are maybes. I have a brutal cold, AGAIN, and my throat and adenoids are on fire.

You may now return to your regularly broadcasted thread, while I pass out on Nyquil again like I did last night at 8:20...

OH! And BHep!

You won the Flapper Contest, despite my absolute negligence of the whole affair. Pm me your addy so I can send you a pretty rooster dinner-bell.
I recandled the eggs left. 2 are still maybe's, one pipped internally and dead in the shell, 3 out and one new pip. I had to raise the humidity back up so figured while it was open I'd take a look at the remaining eggs. Oh I had 4 that I could see with the better flashlight were early quiters. So it looks like I will have 4 new Jersey Giants. I am hoping the newest pip is a splash
Wine break over!! Sure do hope your cold goes away quickly -- the viruses are miserable this year!

Congratulation BHep!!!

Tried to take some pictures... will try again tomorrow when the light is good again. Most came out ok, but, of course anything with the naked neck in it was horrid!

so here is one, not so great picture:

(and yes, I was playing around with an easter picture idea... fail)

Now, one of these chicks came from BHep, but I'm not sure which. I'm leaning towards the black with white highlights, cuz the dark brown one weighs to much, but I suspect the silver one too.


and here is a better picture of the black chickie:

Bhep: Any help?? That's what I get for trying an unproven cross bred roo on unknown breeding hens...

and for the fun of it, two others:


a good photographer always remembers to check the background before taking the picture...

My total hatch was 16 out of the original 24. Had 4 late quitters and 2 clears and 2 early quitters. I usually don't have a problem with late quitters.

edited to say, wow, pictures look better here than on my picture program. and that would be Gerrymander's feet and beak in photo #2. Silly Goose!
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rarely bored Ummmm... the NN and IDK.
The big chipmunk looks like my EE chicks. So maybe that one. Do you remember what the eggs were marked...that would help, I think.

And IF that silver one came from me
I wish I knew from who.

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