3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Cielo, my first chick this time around hatched a full day before any of the others. It's hard to be patient with so many over achievers out there but just hang in there. I also didn't get my brooder set up and warmed until I had 4 chicks hatch. They are in a brand new over sized clear plastic tub.

Good luck on the rest of your hatch.

Thank you! I ended up losing the pipped chick. It was HUGE and I think it smoothered when the other chick bumped into it and rolled it over. It's too bad. I feel sad losing chicks. I looked at it and it seemed fine one minute, making progress and thenjust a couple hours later... rolled over and not moving or peeoping so I helped it out of the egg but it was too late.

This is my lowes hatch rate ever. 1 chick out of 12. I named her Lucky. We've been snuggling a lot.

I'm sorry your other pip didn't make it. I had the exact same thing happen last spring. Disheartening.

I woke up early to check on a pip I had last night, hoping I had 1 more chick. It was a blue silkie and by 4 am was ready to join everyone else in the brooder. I thought that was it for my hatch since I had tapped and listened to my other eggs last night (never having done that before). No response. I wasn't quite ready to unplug the bator yet but figured nothing else was going to happen. When I walked back into my office, I heard a faint "beeping". I can't figure out which egg it's coming from but I'm going to leave everything else as is. You just never know.

Post a pic of Lucky.
Icelandic roosters in first and second for the most colorful!! Way to go Daron and Kathy!!!

So now I simply must have icelandic! How wonderful! Congratulations!!
I've still got quite a few pages to catch up, so sorry if this has already been answered. The Black Copper Marans that I got from a BYC auction are feather legged - I believe that could make them French? Also som EE have feathered legs.

Kellyn: I hope you had success getting your photos to upload, i'm the last to give advice, still can't seem to get an Avatar.

I'm still waiting on Jim'sbeautiful Iowa blues
The eggs were rocking yesterday so hopefully today
I usually hatch a day late so today would be right on schedule
How's Kowalski
Congratulations on everyone's hatches I have been following this just did not have time to enter, although I did have 19 of 21 hatch myself.
Big Congrats to Scott what a way to start 2012.
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