3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Buff is a color, Plymouth Rock and Orpingtons are breeds. Like you can have two black dogs, but one might be a Chihuahua, and one might be a Belgian Sheepdog.
Ok I have it, has anyone else posted a picture that I missed?

When is the deadline for this contest.
I gotta get moving here....
Ok I have it, has anyone else posted a picture that I missed?

When is the deadline for this contest.
I gotta get moving here....


I think tomorrow.
One more slacker hatched sometime in the last 7 hours. 7 chicks out now. I'm going to move these into the brooder this afternoon and recandle the rest..
For the questions that were asked, here are the respective rules and where to go to enter your responses for number of chicks hatched:

4. Guess the Total Number of Chicks Hatched:
For this contest, participants will be guessing the total number of chicks hatched from all the eggs set by the participants (according to the spreadsheet). Your guess must be in the spreadsheet by 12 December 2012. Total number of chicks hatched will be calculated by Laree on 7 January 2012. The person with the closest guess wins! Make sure to update the spreadsheet with your total number of chicks hatched for an accurate count!
Add your response here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEhfejR1cnplblZLTzYyYWhqS1k3UVE6MQ#gid=0
results here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ai7KIISf0iW0dEhfejR1cnplblZLTzYyYWhqS1k3UVE#gid=0
Prize: 6 month GFM sponsored by BYC/Nifty!

10. Kathyinmo's Calendar Photo Contest
Best calendar quality HOLIDAY photo. Judges will be BYC folks who are not in the NYD hatch. No names will be submitted with the photos; just numbers. *OPEN TO HATCHERS AND NON-HATCHERS ALIKE*
Rules are:
1. Photo must contain poultry; either adult or chicks. (Prefer photos without humans.)
2. Photo must be your own, not from someone or somewhere else.
3. Photo must be holiday related..... ANY holiday.... Christmas, Mother's Day, Halloween, Easter, Valentines Day, etc....
4. Please note which month your calendar quality photo should be published on.
5. Limit 3 entries per person; though each must be for a different holiday.
6. PM Kathyinmo with your entry "HOLIDAY calendar contest," in the subject line, as well as post it on this thread.
7. Open NOW through 3 January 2012, 11:59:59 EST.
See entries here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=31282-holiday-calendar-contest
Prize: $20 BYC store gift certificate

14. Tazcat70's New Years Hatch New Years Photo Contest WEEK THREE-ISH CONTEST
Post a picture on the thread of a new years themed picture that deals with anything poultry... confetti, champagne glasses, hats, noise makers - just add poultry... you get the picture. You must take the picture to be eligible. Contest opens 25 December 2011 and closes on 3 January 2012, 11:59:59 EST. Post pictures on the thread. *OPEN TO HATCHERS AND NON-HATCHERS ALIKE* Any volunteers to collect the photos off the thread and make a poll?
Prize: BYC 2012 Calendar courtesy of Tazcat70!

Yah, I'm wondering if there was a "Fox . . . err Silkie in the (Cubalaya) hen house".
The "Booted Bantam" also has 5 toes and feathered legs. Coincidence??? (Both from same shipper.) Wondering if my "SFH" will have 5 toes too! Should know shortly.

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