3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

THose Iowaans really know how to party!
Is this what it is like at your house too, Jim????

Terrific photos, Melissa!!!

Silvio loves the chickies! I had a heck of a time keeping him out of the set while I took calendar photos

https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/53430_dscn7975.jpg He only left when the chick on the right tried to burrow underneath his belly.

Fennario likes them too, but he's actually scared of them


What gorgeous cats, both of them. I'd love to have cats like that so my chickies would be safe!!!! But I suppose they might not be the best at ridding your orchard, etc. of mice???
Silvio loves the chickies! I had a heck of a time keeping him out of the set while I took calendar photos

https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/53430_dscn7975.jpg He only left when the chick on the right tried to burrow underneath his belly.

Fennario likes them too, but he's actually scared of them


What gorgeous cats, both of them. I'd love to have cats like that so my chickies would be safe!!!! But I suppose they might not be the best at ridding your orchard, etc. of mice???

My cat is an excellent mouser, but she doesn't touch the chickies.
Don't feel bad. I was trying hard not to help any this time around but I ended up helping 3 and they are all now healthy and doing great. On the other hand, I had been hearing beeping then nothing. I finally candled and could tell the chick had gone into the air cell. I put it in a plastic back and gently cracked the shell. It was a perfectly formed (but deceased) blue silkie chick. For whatever reason it hadn't pipped. I'm glad that I helped the others. I was really worried about the last one, it had a serious vaulted head and it hatched way late. I finally moved it to the brooder this morning at about 4am. This evening it's smaller than the others but totally fluffed up and seems to be strong and healthy. Some help, some don't. I don't think there is a right or wrong, it's personal preference.

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