3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I'll probably do the v-day hatch also, since I have those Hot2pot eggs coming. Not sure, but don't think I will do the easter hatch - I have an order of hatchery chicks coming in the next week and they'll have to put me on 'animal hoarders' if I get any more!
I have my outside brooder all set up. Time for the babies to move outside.

BUUUUT...I hesitate. I have another broody hen I'd like to give chicks to. Unfortunately, said broody is a smallish frizzle, and probably cant handle all the chicks I have hatching on the 11th.

I really dont want to give her SOME chicks, and then have 3 batches of babies to take care of. (NYD hatch, 11th hatch, Broody 11th hatch)
Congrats on all the winners!!

Well, kaputz. Stupid Popsicle out smarted me and finally suicided. I locked him and friends in the warm box last night. Got up at 8 to let them out - they were all fine. Came back at 10:30 and he was stiff in the food dish... and this time the laying on of hands did nothing.

Glad to hear Naked Necks are smart... I'm sure there is a less intelligent one in every breed.
Sadly, I think my dh is more upset by the death than I am. sigh.

I think I'll sit the Valentine's day hatch out, but looking forward to the Easter one. Although... I may change my mind...

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