3rd Annual Northeastern "Sharkie" Chickenstock - NH - July 7, 2012!!! Come one...come all!!

Here's photos of my new birds and their new home:
The structure on the right is our new hoop coop.  the other two are hoop houses in our garden.  If you look carefully, you can see the rusty large chicken (avatar) near the hoop on the left.

The hoop coop has 2 rooms, and on one side of the roof is aluminum, the other side is clear corrugated stuff.  It is big 20x24".  It faces west now, but in the winter we will move it to the garden and face the clear side south for light and warmth.  Sorry about the construction debris, we just finished this.

New residents!  the screen on the right is temporary, - to separate the baby "cockerel"? and April's off-color wheaten from the big girls.

The beauty queen:

I think April's chick looks just like this Basque hen in my other flock!

Those are beautiful ameracaunas!:) good find. I wish I could have gone. I'll b sure to go next year and bring a few friends
They were off site actually - they couldn't attend the actual event (and being so close, I couldn't blame her!). But I credit this awesome thread for the connection! My husband wanted a Cochin so badly and I got my colored egg layers so I'm happy. :)
Not a bad mix for a "beginner" flock, if I do say so! I can see myself choosing a breed or two to breed myself in a few years. I got a very sweet EE pullet named Lilly, but those Ameraucanas had me drooling. Soon enough....
This newbie is hooked! ;)
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Hi April, Thank you for a great day and all work you did.
It was very nice meeting you, your family and everyone else. 
Oh, great fish you won!

Thank you for spending the day with us! You let me know when you need meat roos. If I have any left I can hook you up!
Hi Everyone,

Need advice from knowledgeable people. I bought the sweetest little Cochin X last Saturday at Chickenstock ...... she is 9 weeks old. I have her in a "temporary" set up in the yard (basically a large dog crate with fencing around it). She settled in nicely but when she came out of the crate to walk around in her little penned area to eat and drink the 4 other chickens that I've owned for a little over a month now (they are 12 weeks old) came running over to the pen like wild ladies wanting to attack her. One tried pecking her when she got too close to the edge. This has FREAKED me out and now I don't want to even try to integrate them for fear of her getting attacked. She is so docile and gentle and just wants to be held. I'm scared for her to join these other four. My girls free-range in an extra large fenced in yard (3/4 acre) and go into the coop at night so that's why I thought this temporary set up would work out ...... they could see the newbie but not get to her. I never expected that reaction. Is this normal or am I in for some trouble?
Hi Everyone,

Need advice from knowledgeable people. I bought the sweetest little Cochin X last Saturday at Chickenstock ...... she is 9 weeks old. I have her in a "temporary" set up in the yard (basically a large dog crate with fencing around it). She settled in nicely but when she came out of the crate to walk around in her little penned area to eat and drink the 4 other chickens that I've owned for a little over a month now (they are 12 weeks old) came running over to the pen like wild ladies wanting to attack her. One tried pecking her when she got too close to the edge. This has FREAKED me out and now I don't want to even try to integrate them for fear of her getting attacked. She is so docile and gentle and just wants to be held. I'm scared for her to join these other four. My girls free-range in an extra large fenced in yard (3/4 acre) and go into the coop at night so that's why I thought this temporary set up would work out ...... they could see the newbie but not get to her. I never expected that reaction. Is this normal or am I in for some trouble?
You picked her up this past Saturday? Way too soon for her to be near new birds - I keep my new birds quarantined for a month at least - then, I introduce them with the newbies in a cage where they can be seen and not touched so they don't get eaten alive by big bad hens. They will establish pecking order, absolutely. But I woudl give her at least two weeks minimum just seeing and not touching other birds. This is after the 30 day quarantine.

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