3week old barred rock with barely any feathers


5 Years
Sep 12, 2014

Chick on left is my baby girl Emily... She has barely any feathers compared to my barnevelder and light Sussex. But really does not pear to have any roo features. Am I being a paranoid mummy?
The feathers she does have are kinda ratty on the ends, I haven't seen any pecking from the other birds... Infact she has the biggest "tude" of any of the girls!
Thoughts all of you experienced and no longer paranoid parents?

Oh, ps: Hi!!!! I'm new here! :D
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Chick on left is my baby girl Emily... She has barely any feathers compared to my barnevelder and light Sussex. But really does not pear to have any roo features. Am I being a paranoid mummy?
The feathers she does have are kinda ratty on the ends, I haven't seen any pecking from the other birds... Infact she has the biggest "tude" of any of the girls!
Thoughts all of you experienced and no longer paranoid parents?

Oh, ps: Hi!!!! I'm new here!

Hi and welcome. At three weeks of age you wouldn't see "roo" feathers just yet if Emily is, in fact, a cockerel. What feathering there is does raise my suspicion, so I would suggest posting again in another 2-3 weeks. The 6+ week range is best for any sort of really good gender assessment for most breeds.
Hi and welcome. At three weeks of age you wouldn't see "roo" feathers just yet if Emily is, in fact, a cockerel. What feathering there is does raise my suspicion, so I would suggest posting again in another 2-3 weeks. The 6+ week range is best for any sort of really good gender assessment for most breeds.
Hi and welcome. At three weeks of age you wouldn't see "roo" feathers just yet if Emily is, in fact, a cockerel. What feathering there is does raise my suspicion, so I would suggest posting again in another 2-3 weeks. The 6+ week range is best for any sort of really good gender assessment for most breeds.
I agree.
Nearly five weeks.... I know I should be patient but....
Pullet ???? Please Pullet fairy? Heheh

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