4.5 month Rooster with diarrhea. Please Help


In the Brooder
May 6, 2020
4.5 month Barenecked Too. Started with loose stools and vomited 5 days ago. Thought he was ingesting too many mealworms... Cut back on the protein, but today he has very loose stools again. he did go a bit overboard when I gave them some grain today.
My Hens all seem fine. Am I overthinking, or is this a potential problem in the making?
Thank you in advance for all your help and wisdom


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Overdoing the protein amounts can cause nasty stools. You say you gave him grain, and he overindulged. Just wondering if your chickens pickup sufficient grit, if eating scratch grains and such? Chickens do need grit if they eat things other than processed feed, crumbles or pellets. That may be the cause of vomiting. :idunno Food just not passing thru at correct pace. If you can,,, then offer your rooster only chicken feed and see how things shake out. Meaning , will things get back to normal.
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome

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