4 hens or 6? lol...

Ok so I have ordered 4 pullets, but the more I read the more I think I should get more birds. We have the space for about 8-10 birds but I thought I'd get 4 to start. Now that I've researched I wonder if I should just get 6 to start. Is adding birds to the flock later on that difficult? Would I be best to just get 6 right away, or stick to my plan of getting 4 to start and adding a couple later?
I worry that if I only have 4 and something was to happen to one or two of them that I would only be left with 2. Also as a flock animal that is social, I feel it would be in their best interest to have more birds. What are your thoughts?
Our coop is 4'x6' with a 12' x 6' enclosure and hoping to free range them during the days we are home after a couple months of getting used to their new home.
Your post made me smile ☺️. You have the classic "ordering my chicks" dilemma...I've been keeping chickens for a long time and just recently decided to add on (after much deliberation), placed my order, but they won't come until July and I'm STILL on the fence. Should I just get the six, or more? Maybe I shouldn't be trying any new breeds right now and stick with what works...DO I REALLY NEED THEM AT ALL? Or am I just getting more because I want more...no, (reasoning with myself now) I'm getting more because my girls are 2 years old and a few will start slowing down. I'd like to just go through the steps of adding to my flock once rather than a few here and a few there...

These are the things that have been rolling around in my head. I'm glad you posted because I am going to modify my order since they won't come until July anyway (hahahaha)...that decision will change by later today...And on and on it goes.

Get six. Or more. Glad to not be of any help whatsoever 😏
Your post made me smile ☺. You have the classic "ordering my chicks" dilemma...I've been keeping chickens for a long time and just recently decided to add on (after much deliberation), placed my order, but they won't come until July and I'm STILL on the fence. Should I just get the six, or more? Maybe I shouldn't be trying any new breeds right now and stick with what works...DO I REALLY NEED THEM AT ALL? Or am I just getting more because I want more...no, (reasoning with myself now) I'm getting more because my girls are 2 years old and a few will start slowing down. I'd like to just go through the steps of adding to my flock once rather than a few here and a few there...

These are the things that have been rolling around in my head. I'm glad you posted because I am going to modify my order since they won't come until July anyway (hahahaha)...that decision will change by later today...And on and on it goes.

Get six. Or more. Glad to not be of any help whatsoever 😏
Hahaha, its such a mind game isn't it. I know this is only the beginning of something new. I appreciate you not being of any help whatsoever and it made me smile too. haha....
I have 4 girls that are 7 and 8 weeks old. I woke in the middle of the night wondering if I should get two more chicks! I lost the first four I had in February To a predictor so I’m thinking as you, if I lose even two of my new girls that’s half of them! So when I saw your post I knew it had to be a sign and now I have 2 news chicks that I will need to add to my flock when the time is right! 😍. So I have to say, I’d start with 6! And thanks for the sign🤣
I have 4 girls that are 7 and 8 weeks old. I woke in the middle of the night wondering if I should get two more chicks! I lost the first four I had in February To a predictor so I’m thinking as you, if I lose even two of my new girls that’s half of them! So when I saw your post I knew it had to be a sign and now I have 2 news chicks that I will need to add to my flock when the time is right! 😍. So I have to say, I’d start with 6! And thanks for the sign🤣
haha....no problem :) I added one more so I'll start with the 5. I dont' want to overcrowd and I want them to be happy hens for sure :) But I'm sure over time I'll be adding on at some point. The coop will expand and I was looking at some Silkies already hahaha....
We are starting out with four. But I’m thinking not knowing the sex of these NH Reds that are suppose to be all pullets May turn out to be half Roos. So I was thinking we need to go back and get at least two more. Round it off to 6 and if a couple is Roos then we still got the four layers we wanted.


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Given the description of your coop and run, 4 to 6 sounds right. I think it would be hard to introduce more later in your set-up, so I'd plan on getting them all at once. When you get new birds (of any age) to introduce in an existing flock, you have to raise them in an adjacent, separate pen where they can see each other and become accustomed to each other or the birds of the existing flock will brutally attack them. It's also a good idea, for health reasons, to keep any new birds separate from existing birds for a while. 4 feet of coop space per bird is recommended but I'm not opposed to more in areas with a lot of bad weather where the birds will want to be in the coop for longer periods, rather than just using it essentially as a place to sleep.

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