4 month old Lavender cockerel or pullet?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 10, 2014
I have two that I think are cockerels. One I was told was a week older than the other when I bought them. I think it must be more than that though. One has red around the face and the other kind of does. I think I have two cockerels, and he will need to go if so since I don't need two. I have two lavender pullets I'm pretty sure as well. Thanks for your help.

I hope at least one is a cockerel, and I get what you are saying. They just look different than the other two which I think are pullets. Here are a couple more pics. I looked and I got them on June 19th and was told then that they were a couple weeks old and some were a week old so they would be around 3 and 3 1/2 months old

Thanks I think they are beautiful too. My husband who is not into chickens at all even said they are pretty birds the way they are darker on their heads and then the red on their combs.

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