4 of 6 female chicks are looking to be roosters - confirmation please.


In the Brooder
Jul 28, 2016
Hi all.
Our family started a backyard flock a few months ago. We are allow 6 hens per ordinance. We bought 6 day old chicks, 3 Buff Orpingtons and 3 Ameraucanas.
It turns out 4 of them, 2 ea breed are roosters. Two started crowing a couple days ago so I emailed photos to the breeder. They appologized and said one of each were roosters and then after another round said 4 were. Also said they were having trouble sexing them as the breeds were new to them this year.

I am just looking for confirmation of the 4 all being roosters as we need to rehome them if they are. (I posted in the rehome forum for that)

Also, are those ameraucanas or easter eggers?

Let me know,

None of the above chickens have slate legs and at least some no beard and muffs, all needed to qualify for the breed .I have a buff amerscauna hen and a black ameracauna roo their chicks will likely be Easter eggers even though they are purebred the breeding of unlike colors will not make accepted colored chicks.therefore they will for all purposes be labeled Easter eggers.And I am New to all this.so take me with a grain of salt.lol
I realize now the Easter eggers do have beards and cuffs lol probably a mix of two ameracauna of unlike colors or one purebred and an Easter eager cross.hope I helped a wee bit.
I only meant the two brown ones. The other two are buff orpingtons.
The two "ameraucanas" have green legs, but the photo does not show that well. It looks like grey over yellow really, which I read means they are not pure, thus easter eggers. I dont really care so much just wondering.

You have two Easter Egger cockerels.

How old are the Orps? They're probably cockerels cause they're the same age as the EE, but I just like to be sure.
They are all 4 months. Attached is a picture of the two that are more clearly hens and the same age as the cockerels
At 4 months those buffs are cockerels.

I don't know of any non-hatchery that sells sexed pullets at day old. Vent sexing is a pretty tricky thing, I"m not sure how they "sexed" the birds, but their method stinks. And breed isn't an excuse, neither Orpingtons or EE are sexable at hatch by any other means.

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