4 of my hens have died within the space of 3 days


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 7, 2013
I had given my friend a pair of my Barred Plymouth, six months later he brought the cockerel back and asked if he could swap with one of my other cockerels as he was not attempting to mate. I swapped him over and even though he looked absolutely fine, within the week, he was dead in his pen one morning. The next day my splashed moran cockerel died and I found tiny little spiders on his feathers (but I hadn't on the Barred Plymouth), he had 2 hens in with him and they already looked a bit pale, next morning they were also dead.

Am I going to have a huge wipeout? Do I need to disinfect every pen, or just the ones close by? I have 15 pens and about 100 chickens and ducks.

In the US, I would suggest contacting the local agricultural college or state veterinarian's office to have them tested, to see what is going on. Perhaps your local vet would have some information.

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