4 to 5 month old sweet roo


9 Years
Sep 21, 2010
I have to many roos right now. So I am gonna have to find some a new home. I hatched this little guy out when I was testing out my incubator. I wasn't picky about the eggs I put in because, I really didn't think my eggs were fertile. He is a Blue Orpington/ Red Sexlink mix. This guy is really good with the girls. He stays with them at all times and makes sure they are okay. He is between 4 to 5 months old and has always been good with people. He isn't big on being held but, has never bit or flogged or shown any aggression. So if you are just looking for an extra protector for your girls this might be your guy. Pick up only or I could meet within reason. I am charging 6 bucks for him because, I am hoping whoever buys him wants to give him a home and not use him for dinner.




He is still not completely feathered. I think his tail will get longer and his saddle and hackle feathers will also come in longer.

Does anyone want this guy? I really don't want him to end up being the first chicken we process as food.
I'm sorry that I can't take him - he really is gorgeous. Unfortunately with so many hobbyists hatching eggs, it's inevitable that most of the roos end up in the freezer. Better to know what dinner ate and that he had a good life, IMO.

I'm not sure how Orps fill out (looks like he's shaped like one), but you should at least get a good roaster out of him if you do decide to process.
Unfortunately I am not sure what else we can do with him if someone doesn't want him. I could always take him to the local feed store to be sold chances are he would just be sold to go to someone elses freezer.


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