4+ week old chicks have outgrown brooder but coop isn't ready!


In the Brooder
Aug 21, 2017
Hello! So I'm running into a bit of a situation.. My chicks are about 4 1/2 weeks old! I started them in a small brooder and moved them to a larger one at 2ish weeks old but they are quickly outgrowing the one they are in now! I've read it's typically about 8 weeks of age that they are ready for the coop. Our coop isn't quite finished yet anyway. We need 2 more weekends to finish it up! Can anyone provide advice/pics for inexpensive options to house chicks from about 4 to 8 weeks? Thank you!!


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I take mine outside during the day into a larger movable run. They tire themselves out and pretty much sleep in the brooder at night.

I have used various cheap fencing, 3 feet tall, cheap fence posts and a chair for shade and 5 gallon buckets on their side for shelter.

Smaller version

Larger version
They do grow fast, don't they? MUST BUILD FASTER!!!
How about a section of garage, or a friend's shed? Move them is sooner? Another wire cage, or two? They may be crowded short term, but if it's clean and dry, they will manage. Mary
Get a big cardboard box or a few boxes and tape them together. You can use chicken wire to cover it. I used a box that was 2 ft x 8 ft x 3 ft for 8 chicks until 8 weeks old. Lowes or Home Depot might have something laying around or big pieces that you could tape together.
Hind sight is 20/20. (and, FYI... I was scrambling to finish my first coop while the chicks were quickly outgrowing their space.) Thankfully, I had built a tractor, and housed them in that until their coop was finished. Just as soon as you get the coop closed in, you can move them in. They honestly won't mind if you kick them out while you finish up the interior. Simply put up a temporary run, move them into that while you complete the finishing details. My girls absolutely love to supervise me when I work on their coop. However, if working with birds around, it's imperative that you keep track of every single screw, nail, and bit of wire. Those things in a chicken's crop can be deadly. Or put them in an appliance box in a shed or garage with chicken wire top.
Hind sight is 20/20. (and, FYI... I was scrambling to finish my first coop while the chicks were quickly outgrowing their space.) Thankfully, I had built a tractor, and housed them in that until their coop was finished. Just as soon as you get the coop closed in, you can move them in. They honestly won't mind if you kick them out while you finish up the interior. Simply put up a temporary run, move them into that while you complete the finishing details. My girls absolutely love to supervise me when I work on their coop. However, if working with birds around, it's imperative that you keep track of every single screw, nail, and bit of wire. Those things in a chicken's crop can be deadly. Or put them in an appliance box in a shed or garage with chicken wire top.
Thank you for the advice!
Necessity is the mother of invention. Just be sure they can't stick their heads through those slats. I can just hear the dares and the taunts as they sit around thinking about how those slats just might be a new game. "Hey, Mikey... Bet you can't fit your big fat head through that space. There's a sexy lil chick on the other side, just waiting to meet you!!!"
Hello! So I'm running into a bit of a situation.. My chicks are about 4 1/2 weeks old! I started them in a small brooder and moved them to a larger one at 2ish weeks old but they are quickly outgrowing the one they are in now! I've read it's typically about 8 weeks of age that they are ready for the coop. Our coop isn't quite finished yet anyway. We need 2 more weekends to finish it up! Can anyone provide advice/pics for inexpensive options to house chicks from about 4 to 8 weeks? Thank you!!
Chickens grow very fast the first few weeks and it starts to slow down at 4 weeks or so. They still grow but not as fast. You will have time to get ready. I'm in the same boat with 10 4 1/2 week old chickens and the coop is not ready but I'm not worried.


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