4 week old frizzle polish 😍

Crazy Chicken Helen

6 Years
Jul 12, 2018
Hi everyone, not posted for a while just casually lurking 🤣

I have 3 4week old polish I hatched in my incubator, been pretty convinced my 2 little white one are girls for a while, now they just look like mini hens so no doubt now! 🤣

Now then, number 3, turned out to be not only a silver laced, but we quickly realised this one was also a frizzle! Making a baby crowing noise at 5 days old suggested he was a little boy.

As he is a frizzle his Crest is a lot different to the girls, but I wanted to make sure of his sex, and also wanted to show him off on here! 😁

It's usually too early to tell gender for Polish, but if the frizzle was trying to crow, then that settles that! Does he still attempt it?
It's usually too early to tell gender for Polish, but if the frizzle was trying to crow, then that settles that! Does he still attempt it?
No nothing since. I have had hens that crow before but I do still think he's a boy as he's acts differently and stands taller that the other 2

Thanks for replying 🙂

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