4 week old pekin duckling biting

Also I feel terribly bad. I have barely left it’s side for the whole 4 weeks but now I have to attend work and other things and my family at home are looking after him. I have dogs, chickens that are all around him and Play with him. Is it cruel for him to have his own house without a friend?
Ill tell you a quick story about our "lone duck". It was a rescue & our first duck but he had been raised with a flock of chickens and we rescued the rest of the flock as well. They all got on well with our chickens & all was well until this duck started chasing the chickens down & trying to hump them (ridiculous 🤦🏼‍♀️) and also dangerous for the chickens. (Also note this started happening around the same time my rooster matured) SO...we get him his own duck family so he will have some ladies of his own to take care of 🤷🏼‍♀️. HA! Jokes on me. HE is a SHE! And SOMETIMES when a lone female duck is raised with a flock of chickens, it believes it's a chicken as well but notices the size difference when growing and can believe it's a rooster!! No joke! 🤣 so yeaaaah, I have a female pekin that thinks it's a rooster. She's 3 now & never laid an egg, she's so confused that I doubt she ever will at this point. I have a new pair of Rouans this year that are trying to teach her how to be a duck, lol, we will see. But yeah, long story short, your buddy needs a buddy 🦆🦆💕
Ducklings that are kept alone often develop bad habits (Like in your case), getting her another friend her size would be your best option.
Hey there, also I have six chickens in my backyard that the duck has met. I’m pretty sure my duckling is a girl considering the wildly loud quack and honking, and if I’m going to get her a friend which I definetely am, I want another female so I don’t have a nasty drake hurting the chickens or her. Would I be able to get a kahki Campbell as a buddy for her? And can u sex young khakis?

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