4 week old sumatra with a twisted neck


9 Years
Apr 9, 2010
Not sure why but this girl (or maybe boy) has a twisted neck. She can't seem to stand up or walk straight. The others were jamming her in the corner of the brooder. I have seperated her, she seems otherwise healthy except that she cant' hold her head straight...... any ideas??
Poor lil guy

You need vitamin e, selenium and luck. I have not been lucky with this problem , so I have started adding minerals to the chick starter. I hope your chick makes it.
Yeah, going to try giving her vitamins and an egg yolk.... Probably cull her if she isnt' eating in a day or two... *(
I know this is way late in the game, but how did your Sumatra end up?

My Sumatra pullet is having the same issue. She is about 6 or 7 weeks old, and just a week ago or so she started walking around with her neck and head completely sideways to her left. She can still walk around, and I believe she is eating and drinking, but she loses her balance a lot. I have had no luck so far, I have been giving her Vitamin E tablets and Brazil Nuts mashed into a slice of banana (for the selenium, vitamin Bs, and a good consistency, and she loves bananas). I might try Poly-vi-sol if I can find any around this small town.

I hope it is not genetic, I was hoping to breed this pretty little pullet!

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