4 weeks of Permethrin treatment and still have mites! Help me please



Peace, Love & Chickens ✌️
Mar 22, 2020
Southeastern Pennsylvania
So I have been treating my chickens (spraying base of neck, under each wing, above tail, under belly, and vent) and coop with Gordon’s permethrin 10% at a dilution of 1:200 as it states, so 4 ml for 800 ml of water in my sprayer, for 4 weeks straight every 7 days. I thought it was better but I went to get an egg today and all the sudden they were crawling all over my arm - so so many of them!
I have a picture attached for reference, my zoom isn’t that great. What am I doing wrong?
The mites I've seen were just specks and I can't tell what they are except they are moving. I don't think that's a mite either.

I personally prefer the poultry dust to the spray. It also kills garden bugs, so it is good for treating many critters.
I have had good results using pour-on ivermectin for mites. I use a syringe without needle and put 4-7 drops at the base of the neck of each bird (4 for bantams, 7 for really large Cochin boys, in between for the others depending on size/weight), repeat in 7-10 days, and still treat coop every day with permethrin until I can't see them anywhere anymore, then at least another day or two, because they are very good at hiding. Everywhere wood meets wood, it's a sure bet there are mites there, whether you can see them or not. @casportpony can give a much more detailed answer, probably with much better information, just know this is how I have managed them the last few years.
I have had good results using pour-on ivermectin for mites. I use a syringe without needle and put 4-7 drops at the base of the neck of each bird (4 for bantams, 7 for really large Cochin boys, in between for the others depending on size/weight), repeat in 7-10 days, and still treat coop every day with permethrin until I can't see them anywhere anymore, then at least another day or two, because they are very good at hiding. Everywhere wood meets wood, it's a sure bet there are mites there, whether you can see them or not. @casportpony can give a much more detailed answer, probably with much better information, just know this is how I have managed them the last few years.
Thank you for the suggestion, with the permethrin do you dust or spray? How often have you had to deal with them during your years of raising chickens? Is this just something I should get used to? Also do you ever us DE in the dust bathing areas?

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