$46 hen house

That is a terrific score !! I would think if you have not put the shingles on yet that tar paper staple gunned on the roof FIRST would be good for some insulation and to keep the wood drier, then put on the shingles. Nice work... Your windows will give you lots of air flow in the Summer, oh man I can't wait for Summer - the wife and I are already so tired of Winter...

Chickens are very hardy, and I have know idea about a metal shed...sounds cold....insulating could be a problem and keep the cost down....bales of straw on the prevailing wind side - outside, Styrofoam on inside protected by cheap paneling....birds might want to peck at it.....they say 4 sq. ft per bird is necessary....looks like you might be short in space...but it is a start and you can't beat the price.
Good Luck
You need to pay more attention to ventilation than insulation. Use wide side of 2x4 for roosts so feet do not get frostbitten if you are in cold climate. Chickens need ventilation in any climate, and rarely if ever need heat. Some people in Alaska do not heat their coops. Read up on ventilation here; do a search.
It looks great to me,

and Welcome,

Looks like your windows are hinged, so you can leave them open if it gets hot, just cover the inside with hardware cloth.

Sounds like you are going to be busy...lol.

Enjoy the chicken madness.

looks like a lovely environment around you. Wonderful.


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