4ish week old chicks and snacks


Feb 3, 2018
So we discovered tonight that our chicks go crazy for June bugs. They are in the garage currently and we saw a June bug land in their brooder while we were hand feeding and they all literally fought over the bug so my husband found a few more and threw them in along with a cricket and they went wild lol it was cute and the way they killed them was savage. I was like oh my, ok, ok. This has to be normal right lol


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Sprinkle a little on their feed. Then you can offer them a small dish of it, watch to be sure they don't mistake it for food and try to fill up on it. If they do go nuts on it, take it away and just sprinkle some on their food for a while. They're probably old enough now that they won't over eat it but you never know.
Sprinkle a little on their feed. Then you can offer them a small dish of it, watch to be sure they don't mistake it for food and try to fill up on it. If they do go nuts on it, take it away and just sprinkle some on their food for a while. They're probably old enough now that they won't over eat it but you never know.
Thank you! I will go do it now 😊

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