~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

You all candling your turkey eggs got me curious about mine 7 sweetgrass and 5 porter X slate egg All showing great signs of development. Doing a happy dance. The sweetgrass first clutch wasn't fertile.
The sweet and porter hens are all laying eggs like crazy Oh what am I going to do with all these turkeys???? They will be fun for awhile....
You all candling your turkey eggs got me curious about mine 7 sweetgrass and 5 porter X slate egg  All showing great signs of development.   Doing a happy dance.   The sweetgrass first clutch wasn't fertile.
The sweet and porter hens are all laying eggs like crazy   Oh what am I going to do with all these turkeys????     They will be fun for awhile....
rehome them to Turkey fanatics ;)
The things we do to avoid shipping on our precious eggs huh!?

Next weekend I am driving 2hours one way on my end to meet a woman who is also driving 1.5hours on her end (so nice of her) to meet up so I can purchase some nice quality standard Barred Plymouth Rocks :) So excited!!!

Usually DH does the long drives for me but this time it will be me and the 3 kiddos.

They told me several times they could ship them, but I could see them bouncing around for hours in the USPS truck, versus 2 1/2 in mine.

That's great that someone would drive that far to meet you. Hope you have a great hatch!
I picked up some golden cukoo marans eggs once on a trip to visit my brother. I think it is about an 800 mile drive. My brother jokes that I drove down to get my eggs and he just happened to be on the way. They still hatched WAY better than any eggs I' ve had shipped to me. One of the hens turned out to be my best broody, she loves hatching turkeys for me.
I picked up some golden cukoo marans eggs once on a trip to visit my brother. I think it is about an 800 mile drive. My brother jokes that I drove down to get my eggs and he just happened to be on the way. They still hatched WAY better than any eggs I' ve had shipped to me. One of the hens turned out to be my best broody, she loves hatching turkeys for me.

You win!
I just candled for the first time, I think I'm on day 3? Anyway, I had to :D I have some shipped eggs coming and I needed to clear out some incubator space for them. I pulled 15 Silkie/Sizzle eggs, 13 were clears and 2 had blood rings already. The rest were looking good. If my Silkie eggs weren't so easy to see into, I'd have probably kept them all. I didn't pitch any of the RIR eggs, the ones I did candle were developing though. They're pretty dark, so I had to really look at them good. I'm also happy to report that 5/6 of my black Spanish turkey eggs are fertile (even though they're not in this HAL). I've only seen my tom get on my hens back and stomp on her, so I didn't have high hopes for them!

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