4wk Buff Orps 1 Roo, 1 pullet, 1 dunno? *UPDATED*

de kippendame

12 Years
May 26, 2011
South Central IA
These 3 Buffs are almost 4 weeks in the pics. It is VERY clear that one is a rooster! I think one is a pullet as she has a very small comb, is feathering differently and is smaller overall. The other one, however, is keeping me guessing. He(my guess) is feathering the same as the obvious Roo, but his comb is nowhere near the size! Its slightly pink, but again, not as boldly obvious as the other's.
These are the two that I'm thinking are both Roos the obvious little fella on the right

The feathering is quite similar

And here is the one I think is a pullet see how differently she's feathering?

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The one that looks absolutely male, is male. But the rest look female. They are still young, but he should get his boy feathers in soon.
The suspected girls look like all of my Buff Orpington girls did at that age. The one in the first photo on the top right I am almost certain is a Roo. My girls are about 6 weeks old right now and none of them have a comb that pronounced. And none have a red comb.

The one on the left in the top photo I would guess is a girl though. I have 4 Buff Orpingtons and they are all girls. One (Gloria) is considerably smaller and scruffier than the others so I wouldn't worry too much about the variation in their feathering. Gloria's feathers are coming in slower than the others although they are all the same age. I got them all at the same time when they were less than a week old, she's just slower to mature.
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OK, here they are now at 7wks. The obvious roo I feel is still all roo so we have named him, Buford. The one I've suspected to be a pullet I would have to say is for sure a pullet. Now, the one I've been questioning still keeps me guessing. He/she usually roosts next to Buford and another roo from this hatch, while the girls(the 2 or 3 out of 8 hatchlings that there are)
generally roost near their mama. The one that I'm still questioning also has what appears to be some barring.

In this pic, Buford, the obvious roo, is on the right and the one in question is on the left. In real life, "his" comb is pinker and shorter than Buford's, as the picture shows.

And here is the one in question next to the pullet.

Next to a pullet he looks like a he and next to a roo he could pass for an early blooming pullet. Any thoughts?
All my Buff Orpingtons are now 8 weeks old and they still have very small combs, none of them, and none of my Barred Rocks (they are 1 week older) have any red in their combs yet.

I think your mystery chick is a Roo. He has much a much more colorful and pronounced comb than any of my girls have. Hope that's alright! :)
All my Buff Orpingtons are now 8 weeks old and they still have very small combs, none of them, and none of my Barred Rocks (they are 1 week older) have any red in their combs yet.

I think your mystery chick is a Roo. He has much a much more colorful and pronounced comb than any of my girls have. Hope that's alright! :)
Well, I guess I already knew the answer to my question, maybe it was just wishful thinking!
Out of 8 chicks I'm certain there are 5 roos...maybe 6(I have an EE that keeps me guessing). We already have one rooster that was supposed to be a pullet(ordered that way) from last year's batch that we've fallen for and he's our baby. Darn roosters from this batch are much sweeter than their sisters making it hard to even think about freezer camp. What on Earth am I gonna do with 6(or 7) Roosters! Some of my poor hens are already nearly featherless from frolicking with Kevin...and they absolutely HATE the saddles/aprons!! I will not fall in love with my roosters...I will not fall in love with my roosters...
Well, I guess I already knew the answer to my question, maybe it was just wishful thinking!
Out of 8 chicks I'm certain there are 5 roos...maybe 6(I have an EE that keeps me guessing). We already have one rooster that was supposed to be a pullet(ordered that way) from last year's batch that we've fallen for and he's our baby. Darn roosters from this batch are much sweeter than their sisters making it hard to even think about freezer camp. What on Earth am I gonna do with 6(or 7) Roosters! Some of my poor hens are already nearly featherless from frolicking with Kevin...and they absolutely HATE the saddles/aprons!! I will not fall in love with my roosters...I will not fall in love with my roosters...

I think you're right! I bought four one week old BO's and ended up with three roo's and one pullet, ha ha!
I bought a straight run Lemon Cuckoo Orp, a Buff Orp pullet, and a straight run Black Copper Marans. At this point I am 90% sure they are all shes. I would love one of your handsome roos! Maybe you just need to get a bunch of pullets that can be sexed right away so they all have their own harem!
I have been told that I may have 3 Roo's. 1 I am certain of my Golden Laced Cochin Bantam (at 2.5 weeks he had red under his chin) and another (my Silver Laced Polish) that EVERYONE thinks is a boy: everyone on here AND my BF's brother who works at the feed store where I got all my chicks. I have a Black Cochin Bantam that is still up for debate. (I'll add new photos soon) So I am 99% sure I have 2 boys, maybe 3. I was all nervous and was talking to my BF about how we can divide the coop so I can keep all my boys (initially I was told I can only have one Roo) and still make all my birds happy. He stopped me, "Babe! I was kidding, you can keep them all." Me: "But won't they fight?!?!" Him: "Not necessarily, they'll work it out. They all grew up together, it will be FINE!"

He used to work at the feed store where his brother works, where a former co-worker/good friend of mine works, where I got all of my chicks; and he grew up with chickens. This is my first time EVER. Still learning. I am going to try to keep my Roo's together and apparently some Roo's can live in peace, especially if they grew up together and I guess some breeds are easier than others. I have read this elsewhere on here too. Give them time, give them a chance. Let the troublemakers find new homes but some may be fine with a pecking order and you can keep them no problem :)

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